Killeigh Parish

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Killeigh Parish in the Diocese of Kildare & Leighlin,

- a parish reaching back through history to the coming of Christianity to Ireland.
 Parish Office Open Next Week: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 10.45am-12.45pm:    
Leave a voice message Please ring  057 93 44161.
Please leave your phone number.
We will follow up as soon as we can. Book Masses, Certificates,  Mass Cards, etc.
IF URGENT Call the 087 number given.
THANKS to about 70 parishioners accross the parish
who will this week be distributing the 2025 Collection Envelops AND a copy of our 'Pre-audit Accounts'
for 2024 with comparison to 2023 and 2022.
If you would like to contribute to the collections
for the Parish or the Priests,
OR to take part in the Parish Draw please just click the
  <<<<<<<<<    'DONATE'   Button.
Synod's final report calls for all baptised Catholics to shape future church
Click the link below for Videos and Info from iCatholic


PLEASE bring a copy of the
Birth Certificate to the ceremony.
Links to websites:-
For over 600 videos,  .... news, stories and interviews.
KILLEIGH PARISH has five villages:- Killurin, Geashill, Ballinagar, Cloneygowan, & Killeigh.

The name KILLEIGH is thus explained:- Cill Achaidh, Church of the Field;          
Earlier:- Acha Droma Fada, the field of the long ridge

Killeigh Parish lies in the shadow of the Sliabh Bloom Mountains. Geographically it is the biggest parish in the diocese of Kildare & Leighlin, and the second biggest in the country.

This parish can trace its history back to the coming of Christianity to Ireland.
Earlier:- Acha Droma Fada, the field of the long ridge

'The Pillars of our Parish' by Olive Cuskelly.
Registered Charity, Number 20015848
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