NEWSLETTER - Killeigh Parish

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20th OCTOBER 2024

29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Pope Francis invites everyone to pray for peace and work to build a “civilization of love.”

We Pray for:

Fintan McDonald, Galway, Gorteen & Mohia Lane.  1st Anniv.
Denis (Dinny) Plunkett, Killeenmore.
Joe & Jim Dunne, Hawkswood &
Deceased Family.
RAHEEN:     SATURDAY   7.30pm
Ninian Falkner, Geashill.
Betty Guinan, Ballydownan.
Paddy & Bridie Gordon, Cloneyquin.
Maureen (Josephine) & Patrick O’Rourke, Ballyaville.
Yvonne O’Connor, Cloneygowan.
Assumpta Dunne, Rathfeston.  
                                       Months Mind.
KILLEIGH:      SUNDAY     11.30am
For the People of the Parish.

Masses during the Week  10am:  
 Thursday  &  Friday.       
Geashill:    Tuesday.

Mary Gorman, Raheenduff.  1st Anniv.
Tess Murray, Scrubb.
RAHEEN:     SATURDAY   7.30pm
Margaret (Peggy) Mulpeter, Bawn Cottage, Clara.  1st Anniv.
Noreen Garry, Ballykeane.
Michael & May Murphy & their daughter Ann, Geashill.
Joe Grennan, Clara.
Oliver Plunkett & Bridget Cooke & Deceased Cooke & Plunkett Family.
Christy Finnegan &
Deceased Finnegan Family.
Kathleen Geraghty, Cappanageeragh.
KILLEIGH:      SUNDAY     11.30am
READERS  for next week-end:-
Killeigh   Sat  6.00pm         Family
Raheen Sat  7.30pm  Mulpeter & Murphy Family
Ballinagar Sun  10.30am    Jimmy Wrafter
Killeigh  Sun  11.30am        Attracta Brady

Ministers of Holy Eucharist Next Wk:-
Killeigh Sat:  Ann Geraghty/Teresa McInerney
Killeigh Sun:  Ann Brady/Aidan Flanagan
Raheen:  Mary Dempsey/Matthew O’Byrne
Ballinagar:   Catherine Guinan

On Your 2023 Donations.
Thanks again to those who have returned their CHY4 Forms in the last week.  18 more Forms have come in The Parish has submitted Forms amounting to €16,583.77.  
You can send in your Form anytime.

Parish Office Open - This week:- Tuesday, Wednesday,  Thursday  &  Friday.    10.45am-12.45
or leave a message  057 93 44161.

Go and invite everyone to the banquet (cf.Mt 22:9).
Donate by using your Mission Envelope from your Box of Envelopes (No White Envelope this week) or Donate €4 by Texting the Word MISSION to 50300 or pick up an Envelope at the door.  Thank You.

Ministry of Lay Pastoral Worker:
See Posters on Church Boards and on Website re: Information Evenings on the Ministry of a Lay Pastoral Worker.
Nearest to hear - Thursday, 14th November: Mount Saint Anne’s, Killenard.
These roles will support parishes and pastoral areas in a range of ministries including catechesis (sacramental preparation, adult faith formation etc.), care support (to work with the sick, housebound and families who are bereaved), leaders in prayer and liturgies and administration (especially in parishes without a resident ordained priest).
Applications will be invited in November/December 2024 with selection commencing early January 2025. Those selected will enter a period of discernment from February to June 2025.
The course is a two-year diploma in Pastoral Ministry commencing in September 2025. It is delivered by Mount St Anne’s and accredited by St Patrick’s Pontifical University, Maynooth. Participants will attend lectures over six residential weekends each year along with 80 hours pastoral placement which includes group and individual pastoral reflection. On successful completion of the course the participants will be awarded a Level 7 Diploma in Pastoral Ministry.   
Remembering and Praying
for those who have died since
November 1st 2023 at Masses the Next weekend November 2nd & 3rd:
Saturday 4th November:
Killeigh 6.00pm  & Raheen 7.30pm
Sunday 5th November:
Ballinagar 10.30am.

We remember those who died or were buried in the Parish or from the Parish or came back to the Parish.
A Family Member or Neighbour is invited to carry a candle to the Altar.
Candles will be available at the entrances into the churches.
If your loved one is not listed below please contact the Parish Office.
Killeigh:   John (Sean) Kinnarney
Nuala (Christina) Phelan, Linda Daly
Maureen Spollen, Patrick (Paudge) Brady
Patrick (Paddy) Purcell, Patricia (Patty) O'Grady
Goretti Egan, Anthony (Tony) Corcoran
Mary Cleary, Susan Cody, Rita Condron
Frank Gorman, Marie Donnellan, Jim Shanley
P.J.  McDonald, John Rigney
Raheen:    Oliver (Ollie) Mulpeter
Michael (Mike) Fitzpatrick, Mary Mitchell
Charlie Dunne, Margaret (Peggy) Bryan
Seamus (Ed) Hynes, May Davis, Yvonne Smyth, Paddy Seery, Shirley Feery, Johanna Conroy,
Rita Kelly, Elizabeth (Lily) Dunne

Ballinagar:   Eileen Dempsey,
Bridget (Bridie) Malone
Assumpta Dunne,   Ann Malone.

Station Masses
will be the week of November 11th.
List of Areas will be published
next week

Ballinagar Planning Committee:
Free Event.  Festive Cookery Demo with Yvonne from Hey Pesto.
Monday 2nd December 7.30pm in Ballinagar Community Hall.
All are welcome.

Geashill Wednesday Club:
Wednesday 10am-12noon in Geashill Old School.  This Week Halloween Crafts. €3. Meet, greet & have the Cuppa.  All welcome.  
Mass Times.
 Saturday evening Mass in Killeigh is at 6pm.
Saturday evening in Raheen at 7.30pm
Sunday morning in Ballinagar at 10.30am
Sunday morning in Killeigh at 11.30am
These times are provisional.

Todays News Stories on;

Interesting Catholic News
Log on to

View interesting videos.

Congratulations to the Committee. Everything looks great.

Useful contacts for Information on Marian Shrines, and others:-
History; Pilgrims Guide;  Facilities; Accommodation; News; Shop; etc
See Live TV from the shrine; Deepen [history, Messages, Cures, etc]; Youth

Sacred Sites; Places of Peace and Power throughout the world

A Copy of the Scroll of the Prophet Isaiah, found in 1948 in a cave near the Dead Sea.
Carbon dated showing it was writen in 70 B.C.

Visit your ancestors grave in
Thanks to work of Roseanna and Emma.

See slides of the Easter Morning Mass on the mountain

View some pics from the Official Opening of Ballinagar School.

Warning signs of a STROKE:
The following can help you recognise if someone is having a stroke and ACT FAST if you see any of them.

FFACE: Ask the person to smile-does one side droop?

A – ARMS: Ask the person to raise both arms and keep them there.

S – SPEECH: Can the person repeat a sentence?  Is their speech slurred?

T – TIME: If you see any of the above signs – even just one – call 999 for an ambulance


Suicidal Thoughts?
Share the Load!
….others can help you carry it.
Midlands Living Links 086-1600641

MABS – Money Advice – Hibernian Hse, 076-107-2710 (free & confidential).
C.I.C. – Citizens Information Centre
Mon-Sat, 10.30am-12.30pm     057 9352204.
Samaritans: 1850 60 90 90
Pieta House 1800 247 247 or 0818 277 438
Samaritans new freephone number 116 123

visit for a full list of crisis helplines

Domestic Violence
We can help! Contact Offaly Domestic Violence Support Service (ODVSS)
on our Confidential Information Line  057 9351886. (Open Mon to Fri 10am to 12pm2pm to 4pm)

Have you got a number in your phone after the letters I.C.E.?
In Case of Emergency?

Grow:  World Community Mental Health Movement in Ireland.
You alone can dot it,
but you can’t do it alone.
If you are anxious, depressed,
or feeling suicidal,
GROW can support you.
Strictly Confidential.
Young Adult Group Monday 7.30pm,
Community Group Thurs 3.00pm
Community Health Centre 057 9351124.

Pontifical University – St Patrick’s College, Maynooth.
Higher Diploma in Theological Studies  One-year part-time evening course.  Lectures are held on: Mon’s & Wed’s 6.30-9.30pm
Four Saturdays ( 2 Sat every semester) 10am – 4pm.  Info etcContact 01-7084772 email: or



Videos on
of The Bible

Registered Charity, Number 20015848
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